Wednesday, December 31, 2014

The Extraordinary Events Have Begun

  Remember, remember when the extraordinary events were spoken. I, knew America was in the dark days of tribulation time. The events that are taking place are empowered by angry citizens. 
  A collective consciousness of people who want to be heard. The march still continues. I have a profound feeling that the criminal justice system will fail its" citizens. The Second Revolution for civil rights will not play out like the revolution 
 Different players and a different field. We, as American are waking up to the fact. That the system has played their citizens. Undercover racism.
  The women and men of my generation are not afraid. We survived the Cold War drills. The same people with the uniform. Are not excluded from this population of people. 
  Strange things are going to happen. America's social justice system is going to collapse. Stop!  blaming Washington and start cleaning up the city and state officials. 
  The city officials of those damage neighborhoods. Must recognize that the memorable representatives. Who, spoke in the First Revolution for civil Rights. 
   Have, no speaking platform for this Second Revolution for civil Justice. Those, such people left the communities. So, therefore, have no knowledge of the terms at hand
   The occurrence of the Revolution is not of action that is organized. This Second Revolution is an extraordinary event deemed and demanded! This time the opponent is not of the material world. 
   Murder for Murder is never a component of God. People must choose. When, the name God is used. And, man should not create idols. 
   I feel to murder in the "name of the dead" was disrespectful to victim and his family. He was not ask to be made an idol. His name was placed above life. God's pneuma grants life and death. Let him rest with his heavenly realm.

Sunday, December 28, 2014

Voices of the Unspoken: My Quest, Your Quest, Our Quest

Voices of the Unspoken: My Quest, Your Quest, Our Quest:    A few of my readers have asked about my invitation to join my quest. I have no foundational element in my quest. I suppose my search is f...

My Quest, Your Quest, Our Quest

   A few of my readers have asked about my invitation to join my quest. I have no foundational element in my quest. I suppose my search is for the company. I am searching for higher understanding, of why?. This person, that is named Kimberley is here.  And, the knowledge. That there are people that like me. 
   I know that the end of this world is coming. I ponder on that fact. Instead, of filling my mind with worldly, useless information all the time. I, continue on the spiritual path.
   I am just a woman saying, Hi! A newbie blogging.  Being led by the pneuma being a part of an extraordinary event.  

Monday, December 22, 2014

A Tribute to Whiney

   Whitney Houston was an extraordinary event. She was a gift, that was blessed by an angel. Then, she was given to the world. 
   I was looking at her life. She lived a quiet and simple life. She had great wealth, but knew the meaning of why. 
  She had wealth, because she was blessed with a voice. Whitney's voice then faded. She was not heard. 
   The blessed are leaving this earth. They are dying at young ages and at unexpected, surprising times.  And, just as she started to learned to live, again.
    One would ask, "How was she living."  She was a woman of God. A great mother and caring mother. Lastly and most importantly, she was led by the pneuma.

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

What's the Future?

 " What's the future for me and my sons?" shouts the man. As the stepfather of Eric Garner walks out of the court. It is an extraordinary event when a human being can take the life of another human being. Then when the facts are viewed and the punishment is decided. 
   This event becomes extraordinary because it goes beyond all principles. The decision not to punish a man for killing another man. This event radiants fear, oppression, anger, and the remembrance of slavehood.  
 An explanation was not given to the family or the nation. Explaining, why Mr. Garner's life had no value and no meaning. I hope the voices are heard, now. 
 The people of this nation watches. As our soldiers go into other nations. Fighting governments that America labels as being lawless. I wonder how the black soldier is feeling in Afghanistan. 
 I do not know the effect this has toward race relations. I thought that we had almost reached the other side of that mountain. Like Dr. Martin Luther King dreamed. 
  But, as we move forward into the next year. All countries and all people will be tested. The pneuma will move in ways. That will show that we all have one thing in common. We can not escape the signs of the last days.


Monday, December 8, 2014

Voices of the Unspoken: Time to get to business

Voices of the Unspoken: Time to get to business: Let us talk about the Ebola crisis. I believe that this disease. Might very well be one of the plaques talked about in Revelations. America...

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

The Coming Days Will Represent Extraordinary Events

   Hail, to the ones who have seen the angels. The days coming will be America's tribution time. We must look for the extraordinary events. For instance, a 7yr old black girl playing a violin. She is expecting for the people of Ferguson,Mo. to feel the vibrations of peace coming from her bow and string.
 The people that are protesting are of all races. They know that we are living in the tribulation. These are people that are afraid. They are feeling that this country's justice system is a farce. A system that failed. When, for those that needs a justice to stand.  
 The impoverished communities of this country are forsaken. The outsiders can move in and out of their neighborhoods. But, can the poor move in and out of their suburbs? No, they would be apprehended, stopped, and questioned on the spot.
  I know the pneuma is at work, but so is the adversary. I say "God please bless America". For we are walking, in the valley of the Dark, shadows of doubts. 
  I say to those who are reading this. Watch close for the pneuma creating extraordinary events.    

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

My Daughter Seen An Angel

   I ran out of the bathroom and sat on the arm of chair in the living room. Looking down the hallway. I called for my daughter to come out of my father's room. I heard laughing and her talking. She runs out and says, "Poppy" needs to talk to you. She and I were the only family members that called my father by that name.
   This is what she told me. "Mommy, poppy had bigg wings"!  I asked her what Poppy was doing. She tells me that he was sitting in his chair.  Reading a book and he had a crown on his head,  just like the Little Mermaid.
    How did I know that my daughter witnessed an extraordinary event? She articulated to me. That she saw an angel. This angel wore a crown. Just, like the Little Mermaid's father wore.
   The Little Mermaid was her favorite cartoon. That video was taken everywhere with us. Including, to our weekend visits to see my father,
   I knew that she was telling me the truth. I felt scared. But, not afraid. I knew the Pneuma  led me back to my father's  house. So, that my daughter could meet her guardian angel.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Secretly, Whispering My Daughter's Extraordinary Event

  I was 20 yrs. old and my daughter was almost 2 yrs old. When my father passed away. We had been staying at my childhood home. While, I took care of my father the last 2 months of his life.
Instead, of staying at my sister's house. The pneuma was leading me again.
  Edging me. So, I went back to my childhood home. Where, I had been taking care of my dying father. I was not going to return. I had a feeling that something supernatural was going to happen.
  Just as that extraordinary event happened to me. It, was going to happened to my daughter. I was in the bathroom preparing a bath for her. She was in the hallway. My heart felt the pneuma.
  My father's bedroom door slammed. Just, like he would slam it. My daughter ran to the door. I watched. She went in to my father's room.
  I heard her laughing and talking

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Time to get to business

Let us talk about the Ebola crisis. I believe that this disease. Might very well be one of the plaques talked about in Revelations. America has been free from rare infectious diseases for decades. Why, now are we being bombarded. 
My opinion, is that this great Christian nation is losing favor with God. The prayer warriors are dying out. Children are not being taught to pray by their parents. And, of course the Catholic church and others has turned from God for greed.
Remember: We are the voices of the Unspoken

Friday, October 10, 2014

Extra Introduction

This post will explain more about this site. I wish to examine the things that happened in my life. But, I don't want to be alone. Each human is connected by life events. I can say that my life is very connected with that of Frida Kahlo's life. 
So, I hope with sharing extraordinary life events. I can find other people like me. This is what the pneuma is leading me to do. 
Our life experiences plays a role, of who we become along the journey. I believe that something is going to be discovered. Let us discover it together.
Remember: We are the voices of the Unspoken.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

What is an extraordinary event?

I can say that my experience of an extraordinary event was seeing an angel. It was the same night my brother died. I just had to sleep in his room. I believe that feeling came from the tugging of the pneuma. I was only 6 yrs old.
The pneuma is the Greek word for the spirit of God.
The question to answer.
Who has seen an angel?
Remember: We are the voices of the Unspoken.

Monday, October 6, 2014

Introduction: What?

This blog site is a place where people can discuss certain topics. The discussions will sometimes start as a question asked by the site's owner. Or, the discussion we have together. I hope will come from posts and the topics pertain to events of extraordinary measure or evidence of the pneuma's work in the world.
REMEMBER: We are the voices of the Unspoken.